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My Priorities for All who call San Leandro Home!

Invest in Community Equity & Quality of Life

Bring together San Leandrians, all races, age groups and the LGBTQ community, to improve our quality of life and increase economic opportunities.  Build an “age friendly city” by optimizing opportunities for health, community participation and security in order to address the needs of our residents as they age.  Expand Senior and youth services, Work together to end homelessness, and Reduce crime.  Enhance fire and emergency response services.

Beautify San Leandro

Revitalize our neighborhoods by improving streets and curb appeal of residential homes and businesses, planting trees and greenery, and increasing community art. Share with our residents how community blight can harm our health and economy.

Bring in Businesses and Housing

Increase the number and variety of shops, restaurants, grocery stores, and entertainment venues. Bring in modern and energy sustainable housing to Bayfair and other community supported locations. Work together with Kaiser Hospital on the completion of their project on Marina Blvd. to transform the vacant land into a modern development that enhances the hospital facility and our community.

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